Refreshing your branding ✨🥂
Okay I know the year is in full swing and you may have forgotten about your NY resolutions. However, if your branding is on your “improve in 2024” todo list. Then save this blog post.
Here are my top tips to refresh your branding.
Refresh your style (if your current one is not serving you).
Take the time to check in and reevaluate the message you want your brand to be portraying. If your visuals no longer serve your business or communicate the vibe you want it may be time to gather some inspo and freshen up a few of your assets. This could be as simple as freshening up the way you lay things out or giving your email signature a fresh look.
Declutter any out of date graphics/ messaging.
Perhaps it’s time to go through your IG highlights and make sure everything is all up to date, if you added in a new service recently or removed an old one make sure your messaging is up to date and consistent across all your platforms.
Freshen up your brand imagery.
Maybe it’s time to gather some friends and shoot a few pictures or reach out to your brand photographer or even create a collection of stock images for your brand. My favourite places to look are Kaboompics, Pexels and Death To Stock.